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The Giving Nest Philosophy

     The Giving Nest Preschool provides an opportunity for children to feel safe and secure in a loving environment away from home. Our dedicated staff stimulates and nourishes the total child, meeting emotional, social, intellectual and physical needs. Like the young bird in the nest that is nurtured and loved by the mother bird, our staff develops each child’s self-worth and self-importance. We want children to realize that each of us, young and old, have special gifts to share and give to our family, friends, and the community. As important as it is for our children to receive all the good things we have to offer, it is also important for them to learn to give. At The Giving Nest each child is respected for his/her individuality and will be encouraged to develop at his/her own pace. A child’s development is stimulated through play. Our staff uses this natural and important process to help the children to explore and grow. 



"The children hear and they forget, 
They see and they remember, 
They do and they understand." 
(Chinese Proverb)

About us

A message from the creators of The Giving Nest Preschools.

Parent Pages

Parent Pages keeps you up to date with Directors newsletters, calendars, and "What's Up" specific to your schools and teachers.

Our Schools

There are 4 locations to choose from. 


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