The Giving Nest
Goals, Skills, and Objectives
3 to 4 year olds
Begin learning the give and take of play.
Begin participating in a group.
Experience the advantages of waiting your turn and sharing.
Practice good manner words and actions.
Follow rules without being reminded
Express feeling verbally – say when happy, sad, afraid, angr
Ask for help when needed
Speak kindly to classmates
Speak respectfully to teachers
Politely wait to talk when someone else is speaking.
Play cooperatively with peers
Identify and name colors.
Recognize first name.
Identify letters both upper and lowercase.
Identify what’s missing from a picture.
Retells favorite childhood stories using flannel board pictures
Recognize what object doesn’t belong to a group
Sings the alphabet song.
Recognize upper case letter
Recognize lower case letters
Matches lower case letters with upper case letters
Begin to print name in upper and lower case
Sort and classify objects that have similar characteristics.
Rote count to twenty.
Work with one to one correspondence to ten.
Identify numerals to 10.
Identify and match shapes and colors.
Learn that there are many different types of animals and that animals move in different ways and live in different habitats.
Learn that plants make seeds for new plants and that seeds grointo plants with roots, stems, leaves and flowers.
Learn that germs cause illness and that soap and water and otherproper hygiene kill germs.
Hold crayons with fingers rather than fist.
Paint with large brushes on large pieces of paper.
Use scissors to cut basic shapes.
Put together a six to seven piece puzzle.
String beads on a rope.
Put pegs in a pegboard.
Grasp pencil and crayon between thumb and forefinger
Draw horizontal and vertical lines
Draw circle, triangle and square
Begin to print name in upper and lower case
Hold scissor and use it correctly
Cut on a straight line
Cut out a shape
Roll a large ball to a target.
Walk forward and backward on a 6 foot line.
Climb, jump and run with friends
Practice pedaling on a carousel bicycle
Hop on one foot two or more times.
Crab & elephant walk
Broad jumps over a string or object two inches high.
Wheel barrel with adult holding leg
Walk on a balance beam
Speak in four to six word sentences.
Use I, you, me, he and she correctly.
Engage in simple conversation.
Speak in front of a small group during show and tell
Perform on a stage in front of a group
Memorize and repeat finger plays and songs.
Describe actions depicted in pictures.
Follow two and three part directions.
Memorize simple nursery rhymes
Notice Of Nondiscriminatory Policy As to Students
The Giving Nest admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.